Channel: Doctorado en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados
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Lectura de Tesis de Gonzalo Diaz-Recasens M.E.

Lectura de Tesis de Ana Moyano Molina

Lectura de Tesis de Carmen García Sánchez

Jornada “Regenerar Espacios para la Innovación”

Lectura de Tesis de Alejandro Bosqued Navarro

Callforpapers. Hipo 4, Excepciones de excepción


Nueva convocatoria para Hipo 4, Excepciones de excepción!

El cuarto número de la Serie Numerada de HipoTesis pretende reunir reflexiones sobre aquellas excepciones que han sido determinantes, relevantes, significativas.

Deadline: 01-05-2016

Más información de la convocatoria.

Call for paper Hipo 4 Excepciones de excepcion



El tercer número de la Serie Numerada de HipoTesis acaba de publicarse, Hipo 3. Prácticas cronotópias, con textos de Irma Arribas y OctaviRofes, AnthiKosma, María José Martínez, Jaime Llorente, José Antonio Ruiz, Serafina Amoroso y Eider Holgado.

Puedes leerlo y descargarlo aquí.

Nuevo Hipo 3 Prácticas cronotópicas



Lectura de Tesis de Victor Muñoz Sanz

Lectura de Tesis de Yolanda Cónsul Pascual

Call for Papers. The Power of Skin




COMPAC The Surfaces Company and ARKRIT (Group of Architectural Research at the School of Architecture of Madrid) launch this call for papers in a joint research project that studies the theoretical and practical framework generated around the use of new coating materials and how they are influencing these innovations in contemporary architectural production.

The aim for this call for papers is the publication of a “Research Book“ containing the articles of the researchers that have properly dealt with the proposed research topic: The architectonic implications and architectural transformations of coating through new materiality in contemporary design.

The publication will have an international registration number (ISBN) and the articles will be published both in English and Spanish. The authors will be paid with the amount of 150€ per article selected.

Authors are invited to submit an abstract of 300 words before February 11th 2016 at 23:59 to the following email address: arkrit.dpa.etsam@gmail.com

All abstracts received will pass through a blind peer evaluation. According to the two reports of the reviewers, the Scientific Committee will invite authors to submit a complete document. That will be reviewed by the Committee for its possible publication.

For more information about this call for papers and the specific terms of submission, you can download this CALL FOR PAPERS in the following link: ARKRIT


Lectura de Tesis de Laura Pérez Lupi

Lectura de Tesis de Yolanda Cónsul Pascual

Lectura de Tesis de Izaskun Chinchilla

Lectura de Tesis de Francisco José Moreno Sanchez-Cañete

Lectura de Tesis de Cristina González Longo

Lectura de Tesis de Jorge Gorostiza López

Aviso Importante // La atención a doctorado regresa al Despacho 61.

Lectura de Tesis de Yolanda Cónsul Pascual

Lectura de Tesis de Mauro Gil-Fournier Esquera

Lectura de Tesis de Natalia López Escribano

Lectura de Tesis de Ana Cristina Oliveira Vasconcelos

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Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC